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Neptune Retrograde in Pisces~Exploring Our Collective Illusions

Writer's picture: Leah RamageLeah Ramage

Today, Neptune, the planet responsible for dreams, illusions, intuitive insight, and the subconscious, goes retrograde in Pisces, joining Saturn, who is also currently retrograde in the same sign. Neptune is a collective planet that impacts multiple generations at a time, taking roughly 14 years to move from one sign to another. It has been in Pisces since 2011 and will remain there until 2026.

While in its retrograde motion in its home sign, Neptune invites us to explore our shadowy depths even further. Coupled with Saturn, these planetary giants will encourage us to examine our spiritual limitations and illusions concerning our current reality. Saturn asks us to introspect and observe where we still hold ourselves back in our spiritual nature, while Neptune questions the illusions we entertain about our spiritual wealth and knowledge.

Many souls have been on a deep introspective journey, engaged in shadow work and reprogramming their subconscious minds. These individuals have answered the call to dive deeply within themselves to truly know who they are, shedding the programming and illusions embedded in within their psyche by the matrix. They have been doing the work.

Neptune retrograde often symbolizes a time of illusion, fogginess, and clouded sight. However, many souls will experience a reawakening of their spiritual gifts and foresight during this period. Those who have felt lost, confused, and unsure of themselves up until now will gain stronger insight.

While the rest of the world may fall into spiritual chaos and confusion, these souls will emerge clearer than ever. This clarity arises from the two timelines opening up for the collective at this time.

In my previous post on Instagram and YouTube, I discussed these timelines. We are at a crossroads as a collective. Will we allow the wool to be pulled over our eyes? Or will we let the divine peel away the dormancy so that we may truly see through it all? Those of us who are ready will have the illusory veil removed from our foresight. Strong activations of spiritual gifts will occur during this transit. Current gifts will be strengthened, and dormant gifts may begin to emerge.

We are all at different places on our spiritual journey, and the state of our psyche and soul will determine which road we choose to pursue. The current state of the world can feel depressing, and the most sensitive souls might be feeling this heaviness. Feelings of depression, grief, sadness, despair, and hopelessness may surface as old energies leave the collective during this transit. However, just like any form of energy, these emotions must be transmuted. To be transmuted, they must find a vessel brave enough to feel and experience them, eventually alchemizing these emotions into a higher frequency.

Highly sensitive souls, empaths, and feelers might be moving through dense energies at this time because they have been chosen to be the earth’s transmuters and alchemists. This sacred task is not easy, especially on the physical vessel. The energies can become quite dense and challenging to navigate. You are advised to spend time in nature, grounding yourself spiritually, and to drink plenty of water.

There is a fog of density sweeping through the collective during Neptune’s retrograde transit in Pisces. Our mission is not to let it sweep us out to sea. We can allow fluid movement with the collective’s present tides while remaining the observer of these currents. Being swept up in these undercurrents is fine so long as we remain anchored in our own consciousness and present selves. This means practicing effective energy boundaries and limiting our exposure to the density to allow space to recharge.

Neptune also rules the dreamtime and rest. During this period, we may need to sleep more and take more time to recharge. Our dreams might be particularly vivid, revealing key insights about our next steps. It is important to be mindful of the symbolism that might come through in our dreams and waking life. When Neptune is retrograde in Pisces, the lines between our dream state and waking reality may blur, making it challenging to discern what is real from what is fake. Allow the language of symbols and synchronicities to guide you.

During this transit, there will be more signs from the cosmos guiding us along our paths. We may notice repeated numbers more frequently, experience more déjà vues, and see significant synchronicities unique to our souls. We are receiving upgrades to better understand the cosmic language of the universe. Dream interpretation and understanding may come more easily, and signs and synchronicities that were previously unnoticed will catch our attention now. Follow these clues and insights, as they are Neptune’s way of guiding you to focus on what has been elusive until now.

Spectacular breakthroughs and insights will occur, but it is crucial to receive these breakthroughs and not remain stuck in illusion. With Neptune ruling the subconscious, the insights may reveal aspects of ourselves we would rather not face. Embrace these revelations, as they are divine messages. Though unpleasant, these insights bubbling up from our subconscious will lead us to the next steps we need to take without much effort if we do not resist.

If we resist the information that surfaces, we will struggle during this transit. While this period may be riddled with illusion, those who see will see regardless. This sight will be felt within your heart. Anxiety, stress, nervousness, or fear might indicate resistance to the insights trying to come through. Resisting these insights will cause unnecessary suffering.

For example, if you have a wound that isn’t healing, covering it with a bandage doesn’t make it disappear. The bandage might provide temporary relief, but the wound worsens if not addressed and healed. Healing tends to compound and build within us until we are ready to feel it. Avoiding wounds that need attention only deters us from our soul purpose, which often lies within the wounds we wish to avoid.

Neptune and Saturn retrograde in Pisces will no longer entertain delusions. Saturn will force us to look at ourselves objectively, while Neptune will bring forth a strong upheaval of subconscious patterns and habits that have resisted healing until now. Together, these planets will restructure our subconscious and our dreamtime, enhancing our ability to understand and communicate with the universe. The current transits will awaken a deeper part of our divine remembrance, reminding us that we are one with the cosmos.

Though these transits may become heavy and cause human frustration and concern, we can find peace within our souls. Our soul has always known it is part of the universe. It has always been aware of its divine origin. Our soul is the way forward into the new age, and Neptune and Saturn retrograde in Pisces will guide us there.

Allow the tides to carry you forward. Dive in deep into your shadowy abyss. Move through the fear as it arises.

And so it is...

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