Today, Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces.
After having spent 8 months direct, the planetary giant responsible for karma, time, restriction and limitation appears to be moving backwards through the sky.
Saturn will be retrograde in Pisces for 4 months until November 15th, 2024.
This initiation is a difficult one, as most Saturn ones are.
With the Lord of Karma being retrograde in Pisces, the sign overseeing spirituality, mental health and the subconscious, previous unseen limitations are set to arise from the depth of our subconscious. Aspects of ourselves that we have never even thought about will be coming into focus, seeking our attention.
Saturn rules structures, foundations, limitations and restrictions. With him being in Pisces, we will be invited to explore all the ways we are still limiting our spiritual selves.
The realizations that are set to occur for the collective during this transit are going to be big, life-changing ones, often heavy at first. The heaviness of these realizations might make us want to leave our dark subconscious depths to return to the surface where the light is. But Pisces is going to gently ask that we stay below the surface a little while longer.
There is immense healing coming through for the collective during this planetary shift. Healing unlike we have ever seen before.
Big structures are going to begin to crumble and slowly be washed away. What once seemed secure and stable will begin to crack as a new way of being will begin to emerge.
The era of physical limitations is beginning to wane as we shift our gaze upon our spiritual and energetic restrictions.
A lot of souls have shifted out of the physical matrix but have been living in the spiritual matrix. They left one system to create and uphold another. This is where we see many spiritual coaches and guides speaking mainly about the finances they have accrued through their gifts and offers. This is not a bad thing, but this lens is limited. It is limited to the physical world with no real focus upon the souls at play.
Saturn, now retrograde in Pisces, will ask us to observe how we are choosing to show up in the world and be of service for the highest good. Are we choosing to be of service because of the money we make and the social status we gain? Or are we choosing to be of service because it lights us up and brings in unfiltered joy to do so?
Financial issues, challenges and blocks are going to be rising to the surface for many that have been operating within the spiritual matrix. There is a huge ego death for souls that have been prioritizing finances over genuine connection and heart-based relationships.
Souls that have used their gifts to abuse, manipulate and hurt others will feel these challenges the most. For those of you in this category, any wrongdoings perceived as unseen because the hurt soul never came forward, karma will be served. This karma is not a punishment, but a soul realignment. If you have built structures and foundations that are out of alignment with spiritual integrity, Saturn retrograde in Pisces will be coming through to wash all of it out.
Because there is a new timeline coming in around November, when Saturn is set to go direct. A lot of souls are going to be asked to wield a higher frequency of divine authority. Those that have been living in inner harmony and integrity will receive this activation. This could be moving to another location, a new job offer coming through, leaving a current job or entering into a significant relationship.
This activation is going to happen for the true warriors of light. The warriors that remained in alignment with their hearts even when things got rough or seemed impossible to overcome. For others, this activation is going to remain pending until deep soul work is achieved. This is going to require shadow work around the themes of manipulation, ego, abuse and self-righteousness.
Saturn retrograde is going to ask the souls still living in subconscious darkness to confront their biggest demons yet. For a lot of these souls, the biggest demon that remains is the fear of uncertainty and a lack of true trust in the divine. Many souls that have known rapid success in the spiritual matrix will encounter hardship. This is Saturn’s way for without a proper foundation set in inner integrity and honesty, there can be no significant forward motion. You might notice that you begin to lose your impact and your finances might also begin to dwindle. If this is you, this is not a time to give into despair, but a time to turn truly inwards to discover more about your inner self. What do you truly value as a soul? What still terrifies you about your life? What keeps you up at night? These are the questions that will lead you down the path to the activations you need to become of the highest service, should that be your soul desire.
For without these activations, many souls that have been seemingly walking a spiritual path will be tempted to return to the stability of the old system. Coaches, guides and healers that have not been acting with integrity will feel this temptation the most as their business begins to diminish. But you always have a choice. You always have free will.
If you do not desire to return to the old system, you do not have to. You can wield your free will and change course completely.
The shift that is occurring is that of spiritual integrity and self-mastery. Its power is fierce; it will wash out and drown everything and anything not in alignment with its frequency.
Those that have been living in alignment with this principle will reap massive rewards towards the end of the year. This is to acknowledge your devotion to your soul and spirit.
For others, it will be an invitation to look back on your current life. Are you pleased with the decisions you have made so far? Are you satisfied with where you are now? If the answer is no, your subconscious is beckoning you… Will you answer?
For spiritual integrity and mastery is not for the faint of heart. It requires strong discipline and a deep compassion for the self that can only radiate from the heart. This radiance from the heart naturally flows outwards and encircles others in its bright loving energy. This is the way of the future. This is where we are heading. Are you in alignment with this frequency? Are you in alignment with your soul?
If the answer is yes, you are right on time. Congratulations. Not many will have held on for so long.
If the answer is no, hope is not yet lost. Be willing to roll up your sleeves. The divine is asking for you to bare your soul and to enter the chambers of deep soul healing. You are ready to know who you truly are beneath it all.
And so it is….