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Chiron Retrograde in Aries; The Wounded Warrior~Choosing the Self in the face of Adversity

Writer's picture: Leah RamageLeah Ramage

Hello beautiful souls,

The magnificently life changing asteroid Chiron has begun its retrograde journey through the sign of Aries. Chiron will remain retrograde until December 29th, 2024.

Being in the sign of the warrior, we are invited to revisit what this archetype and energy mean to us.

Aries being a fire sign and the first of the zodiac gifts each and every one of us a divine spark of creativity, an inner firework that illuminates the landscape of our innate inner night sky.

This spark, though mighty, can easily be put out when feeling as though it has no support for its grand visions or ideals. Chiron retrograde in this particular sign amplifies the feelings of not being seen for our ingenious creativity and innovative spark. This can cause unrest, frustration, aggression and anger.

During this transit, we are being encouraged to sit with this energy. We have the archetype of the warrior with Aries and the archetype of the wounded healer with Chiron giving us the wounded warrior archetype once again.

With this archetype sitting in a particular area in our birth chart, we are invited to explore this aspect and see how we have been giving our power away by overly relying on the opinions of others. Maybe we believe that others need to see our vision before we can make it manifest, or maybe we believe that we can’t do it on our own. With Chiron being in Aries, the biggest soul lesson we are here to learn is the finite balance between needing others and needing ourselves first and foremost.

Part of the warrior’s path is to isolate so that he may hear the subtle voice of his inner compass and truly tune into the heartbeat of the universe. This part of the path can be challenging for some whereas for others, it is a welcomed respite from the outside world.

Wherever you find yourself on your journey, this current transit is here to invite you to turn inwards, to isolate and to reignite your inner spark away from energies that might be well intentioned yet unprepared to see the vision you hold for own sacred destiny. This is why you may be feeling a particular pull at this time to postpone plans, delay meet ups and to spend more time alone. The universe is pulling you away so that you can become more acquainted with who you truly are at a soul level, and this often requires silence, introspection and entering into a deeply contemplative and meditative state.

This retrograde motion amplifies this call for introspection, presenting an opportunity to slow down and revisit the themes of inner power, healing, individualism, and collective movements. Where do you stand in the face of it all? Are you able to remain detached and anchored in your own authority and power? Or are you easily swayed and influenced by what is happening in the world around you?

This transit is an initiation into a deep part of ourselves, our inner sacred warrior. To be a warrior is to be an individual first and foremost. It is to be an individual who deeply knows themselves and is committed to a key set of principles and values, and this regardless of what is being preached and trending in society. A warrior is someone who fearlessly confronts authority when it abuses their power and stands courageously alone in the face of adversity.

If you are still struggling to take a stand, this transit will help you find your feet. But first you will have to dive into your pain.

You will have to dive into all the times you let other people influence your life decisions.

You will have to dive into all the times you bit your tongue, withheld your truth and created a war inside yourself.

You will have to dive into all the times you said yes when you wanted to say no.

For this is Chiron’s way.

He knows and has mastered pain, understanding that the only true gateway to its power is through. Pain cannot be bypassed nor merely theorized; it must be genuinely felt. A lot it.

This transit will be light and airy for those that have tended to their inner work. There might be some bumps here and there, but they are mainly residual energies being cleared out and leaving the body. For others, this transit will be the most life changing one yet. Get ready to transform and emerge completely changed on the other side.

Chiron in Aries is no easy teacher; he will test your commitment to your vision. He will test your commitment to your principles and ideals. Do not sway. Anchor in. Ground deeply into your roots. Deep down, you know exactly who you are beneath it all.

Allow this transit to alchemize your lead into pure gold. Feel into the process. What habits can you incinerate? What thought patterns are you ready to burn?

Don’t judge yourself for any of it, simply feel and observe. Speak to Chiron and to Aries for they are your guides. If you feel your energy waning during this transit, rest. If you seek more energy and it is in alignment for you to get a move on, call upon Mars, Aries planetary ruler.

Though you might be called to self-isolate at this time, you are never truly alone. Look up, the planets are always watching, guiding you every step of the way.

And so it is….

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