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Writer's pictureLeah Ramage

7/7 Portal~Allowing Cosmic Love to be our Guide

Hello beautiful souls,

Today we have the 7/7 portal.

There has been a lot of energy buzzing about the collective with all the planetary shifts that have been happening. If you haven’t already, I invite you to tune into the Instagram Lives I did yesterday, speaking about the energies and also drawing cards for all the Cancer placements throughout the astrological wheel.

As I tap into the energy of today, the clear visual I get is that of the chariot from the tarot. I see a being fearlessly riding their chariot being pulled by two seahorses. The being has shells in their hair and a beautiful shell around their neck. Their heart chakra is completely illuminated and sending out ripples. Are these ripples pure energy codes flooding out of this being’s heart or are they ripples of pure water? Here to cleanse and wash away all liming beliefs? Regardless of what this being is truly emanating, we can rest in the knowing that they are here to help.

This being actually represents an aspect of ourselves, the aspect of pure unconditional source-based love. Love is the main frequency being activated within us today. the 7/7 portal is here, asking us what would we be doing if we were moving out of love? How would we choose to carry ourselves if we embodied the highest octave of love? How would we carry ourselves? How would we speak to ourselves and others?

These are the questions that the 7/7 portal raises for us today. The way forward is love. How can we embody it now?

In terms of numbers, there is a beautifully balanced sequence originating from this portal. We have 7+7 which gives us 14. 14 can be simplified further which gives us a 5. All elements are present within these numbers which indicates that this portal is even more potent for manifestation.

We have the quick and shift action of air with the number 1. The number one represents the Magician in the Tarot and the Magician corresponds to Mercury. Mercury rules Gemini which is an air sign.

We have the divine inspiration of fire with the number 4. The number four in the Tarot is depicted by the Emperor who is ruled by Aries. Aries is the first of the fire signs initiating change and leadership.

We have the groundedness of earth with the number 5. The number 5 in the Tarot corresponds to the Hierophant, which is ruled by Taurus, an earth sign. We are being asked to step into being the unconditional student that has the ability to teach and guide others with its embodied experience.

Lastly, we have the purity of water. The number 7 in of itself represents the Chariot in the Tarot. The Chariot is ruled by Cancer which is a water sign. Cancer is a cardinal sign which means that they are here to go first and to initiate. And so, with all this elemental energy amplified by celestial energies, we are ready to manifest our hearts truest desires.

All 4 elements are empowering us today to really set out intentions high, without fear, and without limit. We are divine reflections of source.

Allow this deep, purifying, soul cleansing love to be your guide. If you were to radically embody fierce and deeply compassionate love, what would you do?

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