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Writer's pictureLeah Ramage

Piscean Awakening~The Era of the Grounded Healers

Hello beautiful souls,

It’s been a while since I wrote last. A lot has been moving in my life and I've had to take some time away to process.

The energies of this fall’s eclipse season started ramping up a few weeks ago and we officially kicked off eclipse season this past Tuesday, September 17th with the full moon partial eclipse in Pisces.

This full moon was significant for the collective. A big shift, or should I say break occurred.

You see, during the past eclipse seasons, we slowly began our shift from Taurus and Scorpio into Libra and Aries. We are now beginning yet another shift as we progress into Piscean and Virgoan energy.

This full moon was our initiation into a higher timeline; a timeline that coincides with our soul's truest desires. But first, we must go through the purge.

The purge is what is causing a break within the collective psyche. In the astrological wheel, Pisces rules the 12th house which oversees mental health, the subconscious, our dreamtime, prisons and spirituality. And so this full moon, though partially eclipsed, is illuminating these aspects within each and every one of us.

Pisces is asking that we continue to take the plunge into our spiritual, emotional, mental selves so that we may clear, release and let go of all that no longer serves as we prepare for the final solar eclipse in Libra that will be occurring on October 2nd.

Until then, there is a big upheaval taking place within the collective subconscious and psyche. The most sensitive, particularly attuned to energies and Piscean influenced among us will be feeling this shift the most. That’s because the healer imprint is being activated.

Pisces and Virgo rule the healer’s axis; Pisces oversees the spiritual and Virgo the physical.

With this axis coming into the play, healing will be the major theme for next year’s eclipse seasons. We are wrapping up relational based healing to progress into deeper, more profound soul healing.

We realized during the Aries-Libra eclipse seasons that balance is what we must strive for within our relationships, knowing when to prioritize our relationship with our self first and foremost. Aries taught us boundaries and self-empowerment where Libra taught us grace, diplomacy and balance.

These two energies will be completing their cycle in the upcoming weeks and months. Libra will be finishing off her cycle with her final solar eclipse in early October. Here we will close out the cycle where we have been people pleasing and putting ourselves last. We will finally know balance.

With the closing out of Aries energy during March 2025, here we will be wrapping up the cycle surrounding self-healing. Self-healing has played a major role during these eclipse transits as we have had to balance healing ourselves with showing up for the collective and healing others. With Chiron having been in Aries since 2019, we have been particularly attuned to our own inner wounds.

With Chiron being in Aries and the eclipses taking place within the Aries-Libra axis, the axis of healing relationships, we have been asked to look at our core wounds and to notice how these core wounds bleed out into our relationships.

We've had to reflect on past trauma and hurt and come to peace with what has been to make room for what is to come which are healthy, more balanced relationships.

Libra will be closing out our relational healing and we will see just how far we have come. This will be a moment of celebration for those of us that have released people pleasing and stepped into our own authority. For others, this closing out will be felt next March during the final Aries solar eclipse.

As we close out this relational healing, soul healing brought to us by the Pisces-Virgo axis will come into sharper focus.

Themes surrounding spirituality, mental health, emotional exhaustion and burnout, addiction and psychosis will become more prevalent. These aspects will begin to take center stage, and we are already feeling this effect reverberate through the collective.

The new wave of healers, those meant to bring back ancient medicine into the collective, will go through what I am calling a Piscean awakening. These healers will feel an intensified calling to the healing arts, drawing them deeper into their purpose. This profound awakening is taking place so that they may remember who they are and assist the collective even further upon its ascension path.

This calling will not be easy as certain healers remain trapped in the shadows of their own mind. And so, these specific healers will need to do the inner work to clear and purge their mental space of the conditioning, wounds, darkness and density that is still holding them back from answering the call. This will be challenging. A lot of inner stuff that has never been confronted before will be coming to the surface. The advice at this time is to take things one day at a time, drink plenty of water and to practice grounding. Spending time in nature and moving that excess spiritual/mental/emotional energy rising from Pisces back into Mother Gaia will be most beneficial.

To the healers that resonate with this; this initiation is to bring you back into harmonic balance within your soul healer and physical healer. The medicine to an excess of Piscean energy is found within its counterpart which is Virgo. Virgo is an earth sign ruled by Chiron. Chiron, for those of you who don’t know, represents our inner wounded healer. Chiron was a gifted healer and yet one day was severely wounded by a poisoned arrow. Tried as he may, he could not heal himself.

This is symbolic for us in 2 ways; 1) We have the innate ability to heal ourselves and others. Having this energy somewhere in our chart depicts exactly where we are meant to bring healing into this world 2) We may naturally feel wounded wherever Chiron sits in our chart regardless of the amount of healing we do. This is the paradox of the healer; though we progress, heal, release and let go, there will always other aspects that arise, requiring our attention, dedication and focus. This is part of the healer’s path.

The deepest, long lasting peace comes when we can accept that there will always be parts of us that need healing, attention, love and care for the healer is a soul committed to knowing oneself and in order to know oneself, one must be willing to explore one’s wounds, knowing that every wound is in fact a portal into a deeper part of the self.

Through these portals, be they chronic pain, trauma, mental health or abuse, we discover our soulful selves and begin to call back the parts we lost along the way. We begin to remember more and more of who we are and the conditioning that has been embedded within our minds and slowly poisoning our psyche begins to disintegrate.

It is this disintegration that can lead to psychosis, exacerbated mental health crisis, and mental breakdowns.

In ancient times, we lived in tribal units and souls that were being initiated into the path of the healer had support from their healers and elders. Now, with modernization, we have lost touch with this. And so, souls that are being initiated into the healer’s path through severe mental anguish and breakdowns are often forced to move through this alone. They are also often highly medicated to prevent them from accessing their dormant gifts.

Responding to and navigating the healer’s initiation alone is one of the most challenging rites of passage in life. In ancient times, it was understood that not all souls would reemerge from this initiation and even today, many still struggle to endure it. All too often, we hear of souls who have succumbed to addiction or taken their own lives. I believe this is because they lacked the right spiritual, emotional, and mental support to guide them through this profound transformation. The healer’s path is not meant to be walked alone forever. Some initiations require the presence of community, highlighting the importance of sacred connection and shared space for gathering.

And so, we, as a collective, are receiving the call of the healer. For those of us particularity

susceptible to the harsher side of this path, death may feel like an easier option. This makes it even more crucial for these souls to seek out support and assistance. Support can look like joining a group of people going through similar life circumstances, talking with a therapist, working with a healer or committing even deeper to their inner knowing that this is a part of their journey that they must traverse alone.

Regardless of how these souls choose to respond to the call, they must understand that they are never truly alone in their strife. All around is divine, angelic support waiting to be leaned upon at a moment’s notice. There are also physical angels here on earth ready to assist. These angels are the souls anchored into their axis opposite, Virgo, for these souls will also be receiving the call.

Healers that have been walking the path and have stepped into self-mastery and empowerment will be the guiding light posts for the souls undergoing the transformative process of Piscean energy. What I am choosing to call the Virgoan/Chironic healers, healers that are rooted and anchored into the earth and their wounds wisdom, will be the ones we look to for support, guidance and wisdom as we move through the illusionary mist of Pisces.

You will know which healer you lean towards by how you feel during this eclipse season. If you are feeling worn out and beat down by life during this eclipse season and particularly prone to losing touch with reality and feeling as though your mind just doesn’t work, you are being initiated by your inner Piscean energy.

Wherever Pisces sits in your birth chart is where this spiritual purge will be taking place. The advice for you at this time is to do your best to anchor into physical reality. Nature walks, time spent with people that make you feel good, grounding crystals, earthy foods, moving your body will be beneficial and supportive for you during this time period.

Others of you will be feeling more confident, secure and overall good about yourselves. This is because you will be more anchored into your Virgo, physical healer energy. Here, you will be able to propel yourself into your highest timeline ever. Things will start to turn around for you in the most positive of ways. After feeling as though life has been out to get you, you will finally start to feel as though everything is miraculously working out for you. This is your gift from the cosmos for the universe knowns the challenges you have gone through. The universe knows the silent battles you have fought when no one was watching. The universe has seen your tears and heard your prayers and so this is the season where you finally emerge victorious.

With this victory comes grace. Your Piscean brothers and sisters will be looking for you. Your mission will be to serve as a stronghold for the souls that seek your assistance. With grace and compassion, your Piscean counterpart will need your strength and groundedness. Pisces will look to you, Virgo, for support, wisdom and guidance. Your medicine will be exactly what Pisces needs. The sacred exchange between both will foster healing for the entire collective.

Where Virgo sits in your birth chart is where this energy will be rippling out the most in addition to the Pisces-Virgo axis found within the astrological wheel, which are the 12th and 6th house respectively. The interplay between the astrological wheel and your birth chart placements will be significant. Time, patience, meditation and prayer are encouraged to come back to a place of wholeness within the self during this time.

The energies are going to be turbulent, but not in an aggressive or in your face kind of way as we have witnessed with the Aries-Libra eclipses. No, this energy will be more subtle. Slowly creeping in, guiding us towards our soul path.

For this is the way of the feminine. The Pisces-Virgo axis, water and earth, have a feminine polarity. The feminine flows mysteriously, ever so silently, drifting in like a shadow in the night. And so, this initiation will be subtle. The signs may not be immediately apparent, so taking time to nurture yourself and checking in with how you feel will be essential.

Pisces is ruled by Neptune and Neptune can drag us into deception, illusion and deeper mental anguish if we are not careful in how we approach this energy. Virgo is ruled by Chiron and co-ruled by Mercury and so we can anticipate a back and forth between our spiritual, emotional, and mental selves.

Implementing practices where we support and care for ourselves on all these levels will be beneficial in ensuring we remain afloat. For this initiation will feel as though we are being slowly dragged out to sea, leaving the shore further and further behind.

Grounding back into our bodies through physical exercise and nature walks will be vital for as previously stated, the excess of Piscean water is remediated by its counterpart, Virgoan earth. Leaning on friends that are grounded will also be helpful.

This eclipse is a powerful, transformative initiation leading each and every one of us into reclaiming our inner healer.

The world needs healing and so the healer is being awakened.

As we reconnect with our innate healing abilities, we create ripples of transformation that extend out into the collective. This is the moment to trust in the process and to embrace our unique healing journey.

Healers are the wayshowers of the future. It is time we reclaimed this path.

And so it is...

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