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Leo Season~A time to Embrace Our Inner Fire

Writer's picture: Leah RamageLeah Ramage

Dear beautiful souls,

We entered Leo season just over a week ago. Leo season is adding some much-needed heat and warmth into the collective’s energy. We have all been moving through a lot and are ready for some sunshine.

With that being said, the archetypes for this season are The Healer, The Sustainer and The Nectar. Those that have been diligently healing themselves are going to be reaping big rewards this season if they haven’t already. We are going to see parts of our life begin to stabilize (career, health, finances especially.). If you have felt as though you just need a break, one is coming, especially towards the end of this season.

Anticipate unexpected blessings around the Lion’s gate portal that will be happening on August 8th. Allow the serendipity to take center stage and guide you to wherever you are meant to be.

I usually do a Live reading for this but as I am needing to bask in my own energy at present, I figured a written reading would do just as well. We will begin with Aries and move along the astrological wheel based on rising sign placement.

With the healer and the sustainer archetypes coming out, they wanted to guide specific signs more personally. And so the first 6 astrological signs will be guided by the healer to achieve their nectar whereas the other 6 astrological signs will be guided by the sustainer to achieve their nectar. Spirit moves in mysterious ways…

As always, take what resonates and leave the rest behind. You are more powerful than you think.

Aries Rising:

Dear Aries, when was the last time you allowed yourself to experience pure, infiltered joy? Being a fire sign, you innately have that spark of divine flame within your soul and spirit is asking that you allow this divine spark to carry you this season. Stop focusing on what could go wrong and focus on what could go right. What if everything worked out for you? What if your nectar was in fact closer than you thought? It all begins with you believing that you deserve good things. Being the ruler of the head, this spark of joy needs to be planted within your very own thoughts. If your thoughts are negative so too will your reality appear that way. Joy is an inside job. Trust and know that you are worthy of everything your heart desires. Work to unravel these negative thinking patterns this season. Do so consciously. Maybe listen to guided meditations that reinforce positive thinking. Use affirmations if need be. Truly support yourself this season. Surround yourself with people that embody joy and radiate it because joy is truly contagious; the more you surround yourself with it, the more likely you are to catch it. In terms of astrological support, look to your Venus placement and to Pluto. Both these planets will be guiding you this season. They are in themselves the inner healers chosen by your soul for this segment of the journey. Lean into them. Learn from them. What beauty secrets does Venus have to share? What transformation are you ready to go through? Release all preconceived notions around how you thought your life should unfold and allow it to simply unfold. Call upon hummingbird spirit for support. You don’t have to go through this change alone. Incorporating hibiscus might also be supportive for you at this time. Allow yourself to indulge in beauty and joy this Leo season. Prepare to emerge all sparkly and new like never before.

Taurus Rising:

Dear Taurus, when was the last time you practiced healthy detachment? Not stubborn, stuck-up detachment, but true detachment and allowed life to unfold how it wants to rather than how you think it should unfold? Trying to control life is like trying to control the ocean, you can’t. You need to just go with it. Cannabis is here to alleviate the extra stress you have been carrying around. It encourages you to take a deep inhale, to hold your breath for a moment and to slowly exhale it all out, maybe with a sigh. All the burdens you have been carrying need to be laid to rest. You can go no further in this fashion without risking health consequences due to being overworked. A much need vacation or break is needed. Relaxation is what your inner healer needs at this time as well as more play, more fun and less work. You have Saturn and Neptune coming through as your astrological guides. Saturn has helped shape you into the person you are today. Saturn has gifted you discipline, focus and a knack for hard work. Neptune, Saturn’s counterpart in this reading, is coming to remove you from Saturn’s cave. You have learned enough harsh lessons. Fun and play are going to be your teacher for the next little while. Learn to lighten up, to laugh full belly laughs and to go with the flow more. Release your need for control and trust that the universe as your back. The universe will never let you down, but you need to believe that it won’t. Any doubt will only further exacerbate your current situation. Breath all the stress out and let it go. Allow your inner child to dream, allow yourself to dream. Explore uncharted territories that you never allowed yourself to explore before. Unwind, relax, enjoy your life. All the work you need to get to will still be there after you’ve taken a much-needed break.

Gemini Rising:

Dear Gemini, Chiron energy is coming through strongly as your healer archetype. With dandelion representing the wounded healer, there is a need for you to dive into your wounds during this season. Aspects of yourself that you found to be inaccessible in the past will be revealing themselves. Your inner Chiron will be coming through to guide you every step of the way. Though this season might feel particularly difficult and challenging for you it will be worth it. There is much abundance, luck and prosperity waiting for you but first you must wander through the darker parts of your psyche. Parts that you might have felt ashamed about or would have preferred to deny existed are seeking your attention. With the Merkabah on this card, you have angelic assistance at your disposal, should you choose to seek it. You also have ancestral support coming through, mainly as a grandmother that is about to transition or has transitioned already. She is watching over you, sending love and guidance. You can open up a channel and speak with her if you feel called too, she has advice to share. In terms of planetary support, Chiron and Jupiter are both here. Chiron will lead you into the deeper parts of yourself you would rather avoid. He will guide you into your pain, discomfort and aspects you’ve been suppressing. Any health issues that have been ailing you, Chiron will help you look into them and learn. Jupiter is also here. His energy will help to expand your consciousness and sense of self; you are a lot more than what you see at present. You are the embodiment of the cosmos in constant motion and it is time for you to come home to this realization. You have always been more. With his influence, your healing journey will be smoother than you thought possible. You can anticipate revealing and powerful breakthroughs along your journey. Trust in his power to expand and magnify anything requiring your immediate attention. Though this season will be challenging, you will develop immense strength. Your inner healer is awakening. Allow them to blossom.

Cancer Rising:

Dear Cancer, your fellow Leo is encouraging you to take it easy this season and to bask in the sunlight of much deserved success and abundance. You have been working really hard to get to where you are today, and Leo season is here to crown you for all your accomplishments. With bee spirit coming through on this card, you are reminded of how sweet and abundant you are on the inside. Like nectar, you radiate a particular warmth that is magnetizing and inviting. Allow people to get closer to you this season. You can drop your guard. Leo is sending in souls that will greatly assist and expand you on the next part of your journey; allow them in. Leo is letting you know that it is safe for you to drop the guard you have been maintaining around your heart. He is indicating that your soul tribe is on their way to meet you this season, but you must be willing to open up and shed your fear of being hurt again. With the bees being many on this card, there is an indication that more community is coming in, a community where you feel seen, respected, heard and appreciated. This is your tribe. These are your people. In terms of guiding planets, you have Ceres and Jupiter coming through. Ceres is the Goddess of the harvest and will be assisting you with acknowledging your own inner bounty and richness. Jupiter will be helping you to expand your mind and your preconceived notions about people. You will be asked to shed any internal judgements about yourself and others at this time and to just go with it. You don’t need to have all the answers. You don’t need to have it all figured out. You can as we say wing it and come out on top, but you need to trust that you can. Have faith in your abilities and what you have to offer the world. Leo sees your heart and it is time you saw it too.

Leo Rising:

Dear Leo, there is a big destiny ahead of you and it is taking root this season, but you must be brave enough to claim it. Begin by asserting your power and commanding respect in your inner circles. Pay attention to how you carry yourself. With dragon’s blood coming through as your healer archetype, you will be initiated into wielding more self-power, authority and magnetism. However, you will have to wield this renewed sense of power with responsibility, integrity and accountability. With such power does indeed come more responsibility but you are ready for it. The world is yours with the Anima Mundi coming through. You have been through enough soul lessons, and it is time for you to be seen and to dazzle the world with your beauty, might and inner light. Don’t be afraid of the occasional push back or challenge, you have enough inner strength to overcome anything this season. With us being in the season of the lion, your inner energy reserves will be replenished and will richly overflow. Every and anything you touch that is tied to your heart will turn to gold in the next few years. Trust the alchemical process taking place. Allow what no longer serves you to fall away. This might be friends, acquaintances, projects or a career that can take you no further. Trust in the divine’s plan for you. With this much sunlight pouring out of you, there is no way you were meant for anything less than an extraordinary life. Allow your inner fire to ignite your path. Lean into dragon energy if need be for additional support, especially when confronting people that would otherwise want to see you fail. Do not be afraid to stand alone. With black moon Lilith coming through, you are being initiated into deeper parts of your power that you might have otherwise been unaware of until now. You also have Pluto coming through. This season will be a life changing and transformative one. You will be initiated into darker power; the gifts to be found within your repressed self. All the power that has been cloaked and shrouded in darkness and kept out of reach will be exposed and revealed. Allow it to transform and change you from the inside out. With both Lilith and the lord of the underworld, Hades, coming through, the programming that has been lingering in your mind about your path and destiny will be destroyed. You will emerge totally free and in your power. Be prepared to be reborn; reborn as the god or goddess that you are.

Virgo Rising:

Dear Virgo, this season will be a sacred initiation for you into ancient memories long forgotten until now. Parts of yourself you never knew existed will be revealed by your inner healer at this time. But you must be willing to forgo the judgements you still hold about yourself. Healing can only take place with an open heart that is truly willing to see. That means seeing all the times in which you might have hurt others with your words or actions and realizing the role you played in the instances when you allowed others to hurt you. With rosemary as your guiding healer this season, you are being asked to be very gentle with yourself, to nurture your body and to show yourself some sweet loving affection. When was the last time you spent quality time by yourself? When was the last time you did a romantic loving gesture just for you? This season, your heart chakra will be shedding an old layer so that the new one underneath can emerge. You have much ancestral healing and power and at your disposal during this season, lean into it. Call upon them for they walk beside you and watch over you. You have never been alone though you might have felt that way. Your ancestral lineage, in particular your maternal bloodline, is coming through to cast blessings upon your path, blessings of healing and transfiguration. You are ready to leave your old life behind, but you need to trust in the divine unfolding of your life. You cannot control the healing process. Nobody knows how long healing a certain aspect really takes or if it ever truly fully heals at all. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you keep your chin up, put one foot in front of the other and keep taking one step at a time. You don’t need to know the outcome of this journey, what you need is to trust that it is in your highest good. With the sun coming through as your guide, you will be illuminated in ways you never thought possible. Downloads and ancient revelations will be shown to you during meditation, prayer and/or your dream time. Be open and receptive. Don’t doubt what you receive for it comes directly from Source. Trust and have faith.

Libra Rising:

Dear Libra, you have the Hollow Bone coming through with teachability as your sustainer archetype. This means that internally, you already embody this energy, and it is time for you to let it out more often. Where can you make yourself more readily available to teach and guide others? What knowledge have you accumulated over the years that you can give? You have much wisdom to be found within your bones and it is time for it to come out. With 28 being the number on this card, you have completed a huge cycle. It is time for you to allow yourself to be seen this season. No more hiding. No more keeping your gifts and talents hidden from peering eyes. You are unbelievably safe as you emerge out of the shadows to take your rightful place in the light as a powerful healer and guide for the collective. Allow your inner wisdom to unfurl and pour out of you. You are destined to create many things in this life, but you need others to do so. Being the ruler of the 7th of marriage and partnerships, working with others is part of your destiny. As much as people might drive you crazy and deeply disturb you at times, there are great ones out there. But you need to open up and allow yourself to meet them. Suspend judgement as much as you can about people this season and simply observe. Those that you are meant to work with in the long term will reveal themselves without much effort on your part. When you meet them, you will feel it in your heart that it is destined to be. If the world is feeling like too much, lean into your spiritual practices. Meditations, singing and dancing could be particularly supportive for you at this time. Spend time in nature and allow the sun, the elements, and earth to recharge you. Breathe in the freshness of the air and feel the stability of the earth beneath your feet. You are right where you are meant to be. Time is not running out and you are not too “old” for anything. You are perfectly the right age to accomplish and manifest your deepest dreams. Open your heart up to the universe. Supportive people are coming in.

Scorpio Rising:

Dear Scorpio, you have Eyes of the Eagle, rising above the fray coming through as your guiding sustainer archetype. This energy is inviting you to tap even further into your seer abilities. You can see a great future up ahead and it is time for you to start embodying it now. There will be challenges and some setbacks along your path this season, but these particular challenges and setbacks have been curated by your soul for you to remember who you truly are; you are meant to be a world leader in your own right. With the eagle as your animal spirit guide, there is nothing you can’t achieve. If you can see it in your mind’s eye, it’s meant to be yours. No dream is too big for you. Set your eye on what you truly want and go after it. The more you push through your earthly limitations to embrace your god/goddess essence, the more reality will start to change and bend to your desires. But first, you will be made strong, you will be sharpened like the finest of blades for your soul is meant to be a powerful seer and visionary. With the number 9 coming through as 18, you will be invited to take some time out to recharge, introspect and spend time reveling in your own energy so that you may become crystal clear about what it is you want, not what society says you should want. This clarity will happen in moments of deep silence. Going on a retreat is encouraged if possible. If that is not feasible at this time, create your own. With the number 1, you have magician energy all around you and with the number 8, you have strength. Believe in your abilities. Know who you are. See past the illusions others might try and project upon you. You have clear sight, use it to your advantage and for the betterment of all souls involved. This ability is what will sustain you during the hardest of times. Keep holding onto your vision of that amazing future you seek. It’s closer than you think. Believe and make it manifest.

Sagittarius Rising:

Dear Sagittarius, you may have been feeling at odds with yourself, not really sure of how you feel or what you are moving through at present. That is because you are straddling worlds and wandering between realms. Spirit has beckoned you forth so that you may journey upon an experience, an experience whose outcome is not yet set in stone. You see, you are meant to be a wanderer in this life, always questing and always searching for higher truths and meaningfulness. This season is no different. You might travel abroad, or you might deepen your spiritual practices and journey inwards. Wherever life takes you, know that you are about to experience life-changing realizations about yourself, the world and the great cosmos. Things that have otherwise been kept hidden from you will now be revealed. Truths about who you are at soul level will be rapidly incoming and might take you by surprise. Go with the currents of life. Allow this in between period to reshape your lifestyle and your character. You are not what you seem. With the number 52 coming out, you are being encouraged to move and to flow through your life challenges. These particular challenges are meant to shape you into who you are meant to be in this life. Let them have their way. With the 2, your intuition will heighten. You will see things that were previously hiding in plain sight. Your psychic senses are being refreshed. You are being guided towards your spiritual self, your soul. This aspect of yourself might have been completely unknown to you until now but you are ready to know yourself at this level. Though you might feel at odds with the world and your surroundings, this won’t last forever. Allow the cosmos to have their way with you, molding you and shaping you for what’s to come. Release the reins and let the universe take over. The universe has got you in the palms of their hands. Release and let go. You are safe.

Capricorn Rising:

Dear Capricorn, you have the card of Benefactor- Grace and Generosity coming through for you in reverse. This card is number 3 symbolizing empress energy but with it being reversed, there is a dark empress energy about you ready to be made manifest. The crown on this card is pure gold but yours is meant to be of the darkest shade of black. You are meant to mirror the sun by being its dark counterpart, almost like a black sun. This is because you are well acquainted with your shadow and your dark side. This season, you are being initiated into accepting this part of yourself, knowing full well that this is where your power comes from. It’s okay to be different. It’s okay not to be all sunshine and rainbows but the darkest of night skies twinkled only by stars and moonlight. You are a walker of the darkness, of the abyss, of all things hidden and this Leo season is encouraging you to own all of these parts of yourself. There is no need to hide your power. Wear your dark crown with pride. Allow it to guide you on your path. You are meant for a lot in this life, a lot of good. But this starts by your claiming your throne, knowing that it isn’t found in some fancy palace but more so a sacred forgotten place where the outcasts are. You see, you are the ruler of all the things the sun doesn’t touch nor see. You are the king and queen of the darkness. This is your reign. Allow it to happen. You are being driven home by your guides during this season. Release your hold on who you thought you were to embrace who you truly are. You are the lady and lord of the night. You watch over shadows and guide lost souls home. You are the keeper of secrets and ancient mysteries. Wear your crown with pride and don’t let anyone tear you apart.

Aquarius Rising:

Dear Aquarius, you have a beautiful journey ahead of you and this Leo season is just the start. You are being called to sustain yourself through your natural writing and speaking abilities. You are a gifted channeler, medium and psychic. These gifts are meant to lead you towards the life you desire. Lean into them. Develop them. Use them. Don’t be afraid. The fates are watching over you at this time, giving you hints about your journey and your path. They are making things easier for you but you must believe that you are deserving of an easier life. If all you have known is suffering and you believe that this is what you deserve, you will keep being served the exact same thing. Have faith that you are meant for more. Have faith that you are talented, intelligent and gifted enough to say yes to any opportunity that comes your way. If you feel you need a boost of confidence, look to your astrological counterpart, Leo for support. You don’t need to make these decisions by yourself. With the number 49 coming through, you are ready to begin a new chapter, one where you occupy a position of authority. This position is your birthright. Claim it. With the number 9 coming through, you have completed a hard life cycle. Challenges that you thought you would never get over will be coming to a close. You are ready for more stability and easeful success, and it is coming. You will begin to reap much deserved rewards this season, starting towards the end of august. There might still be the occasional challenge here and there but is perfecting your talent and skill. Don’t doubt yourself and do not give into despair. Keep moving forward with courage. You are more deserving than you think.

Pisces Rising:

Dear Pisces, you have Me-Tox coming through for you as your sustainer archetype with repairing the body/mind/spirit. This season is a time for you to take a much-needed break from life. You might have been all go go go lately and your body might be beginning to show the signs of this. Leo season is about indulging your inner child spirit and having more play, relaxation and fun. It’s time for you to fill your own cup and put yourself first for a change. Go get that massage, that pedicure or fancy facial, you’ve earned it! Spirit is sharing that you have been in a tough spiritual cycle, learning a lot on a subconscious level. You have also been learning and mastering a lot in your dream time which is why you might have been waking up tired here and there. Your body might also experience fatigue and the need for more rest. this is the universe cocooning you. It is time for more sleep, more ease and a slowed downed way of life this season. Put off your to-do list and tap into your to-be instead. Treat yourself like the god/goddess you are. Run yourself a delicious bubble bath or do an activity where you can indulge all of your senses. Treasure and cherish yourself. With the number 39 coming through, you are closing out a soul cycle. It is time for you to give yourself so much needed love with the Empress coming through. With the 9, you are being encouraged to take some time away from the world so that you may rest and reflect on how far you have come. You have overcome quite a bit this year already and you should be so proud of yourself, spirit is! Take some time off the busy treadmill of life to rest and unwind. Everything you still need to get to will be there upon your return. Recharge and take care of your mind, body and spirit. Your soul will thank you.

Tune into your heart this season and let it pave the way towards the sweetest of nectars. Trust that you are right where you are meant to be.

And so it is...

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